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Sharing My Journey to Find Hope

Full Name: Britta Knight

Type of Cancer: Metastatic Breast Cancer

Instagram: bbooks26

Facebook: britta.knight.3

Twitter: btk126

December 15, 2015, my life changed. I remember walking in to see a family doctor and being told I needed to see a general surgeon to get a biopsy. Once I met with the general surgeon, I was told I had an appointment with an oncologist the next day.

Everything happened so fast. Within a period of 5 days, I received a port, had scans done, and started my first chemo because I was diagnosed with Metastatic (Stage 4) Breast Cancer. This meant the cancer had spread from my breast to my bones. I couldn’t believe it. I was 33 and being told my life was going to change. I had to leave work for six months and watch myself around everyone. I lost my hair, eyelashes, etc., as well as my taste buds. I felt like I was missing something. No one in my family understood what I was going through. During my time away from work, I realized I wasn’t happy and decided I needed change in my life. I quit my job, got involved with choirs and went back to school. Although it seemed like the treatment was working, four months later, the tumor had reformed. My oncologist put me on a new chemo drug that had less side effects. Slowly I managed my life, doing what I enjoyed the most. Once again, this new drug seemed to be doing what it needed to do, however, scans came back showing it had reformed again. A trial drug was in process and I was a perfect candidate. I have been on this trial drug for two years now and so far the tumor has shrunk and the cancer cells in my bones have remained stable. I continue doing treatment every three weeks and have accepted that I will be on treatment for the rest of my life. However, I recognized my journey wasn’t going to be easy, yet I had a lot of support cheering me on daily. No one truly understands what you are feeling or going through until they have experienced it themselves. It was during this time, that I realized although I was dealing with cancer, I could share my story and spread Hope to others.

I was interviewed for the news, for my healthcare newsletter and spoken at panels. Because of these experiences, I decided to create a free support organization called JAMMHope which I use to help bring Hope to others.

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