A Mother’s Love

Full Name: Tanya Gilmore
In Honor of: Nneka Cerf
Relationship: Daughter
Type of Cancer: Breast Cancer
Instagram: the_color_proof_lounge
August 15, 2019 our lives changed. My 34 year old daughter got the call from the doctor with the diagnosis of stage 2 breast cancer and our lives quickly changed. Trying my hardest not to break down in her presence my words to her was “we’re going to get through this together”. “We serve a God that says ” He will never leave us nor forsake us”. Quickly the doctor set up appointments for treatment and her journey began about a month later. Doctors was so great in setting up how they were going to go about a treatment plan for her. As a mom it’s hard to process the diagnosis of breast cancer when your only daughter, with no children, to be the stronger one for her when you just want to crawl into the bed and shut the whole world off because you think this is so unfair. As a instructor, cosmetologist and salon owner who has dealt with hair and hair loss, this was a first because I knew what was going to be the outcome after treatment. It didn’t take long for the hair loss to take place, after just two treatments we knew the hair had fallen out, she called her mom and said “I think its time to see how much of the hair has fallen out”. We meet at the salon after hours to take what little was left off her head. To see her cry broke my heart but she’s absolutely gorgeous with or with hair. I’m so proud of this young lady not just because she’s my daughter but because she has handle this journey with such style and grace, still working a full time job and making her own wigs, assisting me with her siblings, making sure she at every treatment on time looking beautiful and stylish, making her mom and dad so proud of her. Nneka has 10 more treatments of chemo and then we’ll see where she goes from there. Her body is experiencing some of the side effects from the chemo but her mass is responding well to the treatment, so we’re grateful for the advancements of technology.